Sometimes we expect more from others because we would be
willing to do that much more for them. And sometimes we interpret things one
way, when in reality it’s something so much more different than we had
envisioned. We let our expectations get in the way of what’s really happening
and it changes the dynamic of everything.
Relationships are hard. Starting them is easy – a simple
hello could change things, but what happens when you put yourself into the
equation, when you give of yourself and they give back, and things build?
Things get complicated.
Before coming to college I had casually dated; there were
guys my own age, guys who were older. I thought I could play the game talk the
talk, knew what I was doing. At times I found myself not so much in trouble but
in awkward predicaments but in the end, things always ended for the better. I
made friends with some of them, haven’t seen others since, and I thought I had
had my heartbroken – turns out I hadn’t even come close. Then I came to
college, a world where despite all the people from back home, I could kind of
re-invent myself – they had no need to know who I had been in my past dating
life, didn’t need to know the ins and outs of my tastes and my adventures.