Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Goodnight, World.

I tend to lose a lot of things in life. I've lost friends, that was hard, it still is. I've lost rings that one might consider meaningless but I considered priceless. I've lost loves, people I thought would be in my life forever and happened to disappear from one day to the next. I've lost family, a great man who was the center of my world, who's smile brightened my day. I've lost opportunities to be great, to travel, to experience life. I've lost hope, when things have been dark and I've wanted to crawl into a little hole and never come out.

But I guess I've never lost sight of myself because despite all these things that I've lost I've found many many more. I've found friends who love me for who I am despite all the times I've messed up. I've found treasures that I will cherish for as long as they remain mine. I've found people who have become the extended family I occasionally wish I had..and occasionally wish I could punch. I've found opportunities in places I would not have expected and I've found that life is great. I'm single (don't always love that), I'm young (relatively speaking), I'm smart (or so my mother tells me), and I'm rather attractive (or so I've been led to believe.. except sometimes I'm vain and know I am.)

I know that I'm not perfect and as I sit here, ready to go to sleep I realize that something HAS moved me to write a personal post, more personal than any others I've written before. I was talking to a friend about how I should try and get more personal about my blog and I guess it just hit me that I knew where I had to start. 2013 has been an interesting year so far, to say the least. Things have happened that I'm both proud and not proud of, I've fought with people, I've done a few self-less acts, I've tried to give up sweets for Lent, I've had one too many drinks, kissed a lot of frogs, and convinced myself that a few of them are princes. My friends don't agree.

Last week for Valentine's day I found a picture, one I'll post below along with a series of more that are part of an exhibit by Tracey Emin, a successful British artist who I have now taken the interest in investigating. I find her pieces to hit a soft spot in me. It hits that part of me that has not chosen to let go of certain things. Hopefully you'll enjoy her pieces as much as a I have an you'll enjoy this somewhat small glimpse into my life.

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