Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Insomnia Cookies

It's that time again.. That time when professors believe themselves gods and assume that we're all brilliant and don't have social lives outside of their classrooms and assigning you an exam the week of spring break with four days notice is okay. Well professor, it's not okay and I do have a social life in case you were wondering. I bet you don't.

I can't remember when I first got introduced to Insomnia Cookies but I know I owe it to my dear friend Emma and our craving one night for something sweet. Her pantries were empty, naturally, when you're hungry that's how it works.

Cue me, last night, browsing instagram and Emma's twin Sophie happens to upload a picture of said cookies, and it got me thinking.. if they have them in NYC and in Philly, maybe they have them in Boston. Lo and behold, they do! So for those of you who aren't familiar with Insomnia Cookies, you should check them out, here.

You can order cookies late night and have them delivered till three am, what a beauty right? Some of their cookie selection includes Chocolate Chip, Sugar, Peanut Butter Chip, White Chocolate Macadamia Nut, and Oatmeal Raisin to name a few. You can even order milk to go with your cookies, for what's a cookie without the milk?

Cheers! The Aristochic

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