Although it premiered on Saturday the 16th, I wasn't able to watch Beyonce's HBO documentary till last night. I had been waiting for this to air since I discovered it was happening, and I can tell you for certain that it did not disappoint.
Beyonce pulls down her barriers and allows herself to show her vulnerability, as she sits in front of the camera bare - literally. For most of the documentary we see her in her natural state - sans makeup, and let me tell you, she's gorgeous. In the 90 minute exclusive we see Beyonce share sweet moments of herself with her family, her friends, and her husband - something that we rarely get a glimpse of.
In an interview with Opera, the star tells explains that - "My story did not feel complete and I didn't know why. There are so many connections in the film that I didn't realize until I gave birth. Everything just completely connected and I said now I know who I am... I wasn't complete before my daughter." Which is also a central focus of the documentary, as viewers get various glimpses of Beyonce and her journey throughout motherhood and some tender moments with Blue Ivy.
Throughout the special, we also learn about the heartbreak that came with her miscarriage, the difficulties that she had navigating her personal and professional relationship with her father (who was once her manager), and the importance of her family as her foundation and her reason for pushing harder and harder. I feel that despite the lack of certain explanation for things, we've finally been allowed to see the real Beyonce, and I can't help but love her more.
If you haven't seen the special yet, it's running on HBO. You should be able to find it every so often!
Cheers! The Aristochic
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